Sunday, September 7, 2008

Explanations and Process

11)Last,i wan the effect that the light come from sky.So,i use rectangle tool and choose flare tool to make it.Finally my poster DONE!
10)The sky should have cloud.So,i use pentool to draw the cloud.Then i use gradient tool and fill it with white and blue colour.

9)I feel that bottom there like very empty.So i add on some grass.

8)I use pentool to draw a line then i use zig zag affect to make the line become zig zag.After i use effect-warp(twister) to make it look like grass.

7)After,i think that i should put a back ground for it.So i use rectangle tools to cover the poster n use gradient tools to create the background.

6)I feel that 1 ground is not enough.So i add on 2 more ground and use gradient tool to fill the colour.

5)I use pen tool to draw the ground.

4)Still the same, i used type tool to type "OUR FOREST,OUR LIFE".Then i filled it with green colour.

3)After that i used type tools to type the word"Start protect our forest and stop deforestation".And then i used rectangle tool to make a shape and used warp tool to make it more different.

2)Then,i used gradient tools to make the tree look nicer and then put the logo that i designed at assignment 1.

1)First,i used back the tree that i used in assignment 2 last time then removed the background.

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